Our Expert Team

EpoxyArt.ch was founded in 2016 and initially focused on the presevation capabilites that the resin brings.
Flurin Devonas, Marcel Brasser and Alvin Devonas each have developed their individual style and technique that makes EpoxyArt.ch one of the most exclusive art platforms worldwide.
Each art piece is one of a kind.

Alvin Devonas

Alvin is a piano lecturer at the University of Luzern. ( alvindevonas.ch)
As part of his master's project, he created several paintings that were specifically designed for classical music pieces.
This combinatorial performance was awarded by the Basel Cultural Promotion Agency. In July 2019 he initiated an exhibition in Basel that resonated greatly in the local art scene.

Flurin Devonas

Flurin experimented with embedding flowers into epoxy resin, from keychain to earrings. Overall, he designed over 100 individual artefacts from the nature.
Currently he is designing and inventing new jewellery. Stay tuned!
As a professional sound engineer, he combines musical creativity with the flow of epoxy resin and by that creates stunning paintings that you almost hear.

Marcel Brasser

Marcel is a molecular-biologist and experienced in financial accounting that got first in contact with epoxy in the electron microscopy-sample-preparation. He was fascinated by the preserving capabilities and its stiffness it brings; The fact that an epoxy slice can be cut to a 10’000th millimeter shows what a dynamic range it has to offer. Combining the epoxy resin with pigments of different densities brings up a marvelous depth in each object.